

This is an undergraduate student seminar on geometry and topology. This semester, our main theme will be modular curves, with Diamond and Shurman's A first course in modular forms (from Chapter 6 on) as a main reference. Other useful resources include Milne's notes as well as a recent introductory, motivating article on modular forms by Cepelewicz of Quanta Magazine. There will also be two colloquiums in a row on the topic in October. Still, Chao Li's recent survey is recommended.

We meet on Thursdays 9–11 am in M5024. Here is a course description for those who wish to register for credit.


Sep 29, '23, Yifan Wu, An overview of modular forms and modular curves

Oct 12, '23, Rongming Yin, An introduction to Jacobian varieties of algebraic curves

Oct 12, '23 (Colloquium, 4:30–5:30 pm, M1001), Don Zagier (Max Planck Institute for Mathematics), Modular forms and quantum modular forms

Oct 19, '23, Zian Zhao, Double coset maps between space of modular forms and modular Jacobians

Nov 2, '23, Jinghua Xi, Modular Jacobians and Hecke operators

Nov 2, '23 (Colloquium, 4:30–5:30 pm, M1001), Ruochuan Liu (Peking University), Congruences between modular forms and geometry of the eigencurve

Nov 9, '23, Jinghua Xi, Algebraic eigenvalues

Nov 16, '23, Yifan Wu, More geometry and examples

Nov 23, '23, Rongming Yin, Eigenforms and Abelian varieties

Nov 30, '23, Rongming Yin, Algebraic curves and their function fields

Dec 7, '23, Rongming Yin, Isogenies between elliptic curves

Dec 14, '23, Yifan Wu, Function fields of modular curves

Dec 21, '23 (Science Lecture, 4:30–5:30 pm, CS1142), Ruochuan Liu (Peking University), An introduction to elliptic curves and modular forms

Dec 28, '23, Yifan Wu, Function fields of modular curves, cont'd