This is a reading seminar on applied/computational topology. We will be working from Edelsbrunner and Harer's Computational topology: an introduction. To supplement presentations by participants, we will also invite experts in the field to speak.
Computational topology has become a subject that applies to a wide range of topics. This includes pattern recognition in data science, notably through the method of persistent homology. It also employs computer softwares to study questions internal to topology and geometry. We aim to gain an overview of the subject, learn its basic theory and examples, with an emphasis on persistent homology and its applications.
The prerequisite is an undergraduate topology course. Familiarity with computer programming will be a plus, as well as English proficiency. For student participants, we encourage you to informally discuss the material with faculty participants prior to your presentations.
Our focus in Spring 2021 is recent research with specific applications as well as further theoretical aspects.
Talks in Spring 2021 (mostly Mondays 9–12 in Huiyuan 3-415)
Jan 12, '21,
Yifan Wu,
Topological time series analysis, applications in the literature
Jan 19, '21,
Xiabing Ruan,
Extended persistence, spectral sequences
Mar 1, '21,
Siheng Yi,
Topological morphology descriptors and persistence images
Mar 8, '21,
Siheng Yi,
Stability of persistence
Mar 15, '21,
Siyu Cen,
Evolutionary de Rham-Hodge method
Mar 22, '21,
Xiabing Ruan,
Applications of extended persistence to shape recognition and protein docking
Mar 29, '21,
Jizhang Liu,
Quiver representations and persistent homology
Apr 12, '21,
Siheng Yi,
More on sliding window embeddings, persistent homology, and applications to audio signal processing
Apr 19, '21,
Yifan Wu,
Reproducing results of the wheeze detection paper
Apr 26, '21,
Siheng Yi and Yifan Wu,
More on reproducing wheeze detection via persistent homology; subsampling through landmarks and witness complexes
May 10, '21,
Siyu Cen,
Persistent homology for geospatial data of voting
May 17, '21,
Xiabing Ruan,
Persistent homology for data of syntactic structures of world languages
May 24, '21,
Yuqing Xing,
Persistent homology for data of plant morphology
Talks in Fall 2020 (mostly Tuesdays 9–12 in Huiyuan 3-415)
Sep 15 '20,
Yifei Zhu and Ingrid Irmer,
Overview and organization
Sep 22 '20,
Xiabing Ruan,
Graphs and planar graphs
Sep 27 '20,
Xiabing Ruan and Ingrid Irmer,
Plane curves, knots and links; examples
Oct 13 '20,
Zhen Zhang and Siyu Cen,
Graph application examples; triangulation of surfaces
Oct 20 '20,
Siyu Cen,
Self-intersection and simplification of surfaces
[Slides] Oct 23 '20 (Friday, 4:30–5:30 pm, zoom: 685 0623 5836),
Jie Wu (Hebei Normal University),
Topological data analysis and topological approaches to drug design and discovery
Oct 27 '20,
Jizhang Liu,
Simplicial complexes
Nov 3 '20,
Jizhang Liu,
Čech, Vietoris–Rips, and Delaunay complexes
Nov 6 '20 (Friday, 11:00 am–12:00 pm, zoom: 642 0299 8817),
Andrew Blumberg (University of Texas at Austin),
How to do science with topological data analysis
Nov 10 '20,
Yifan Wu,
Homology and matrix reduction
Nov 17 '20,
Yifan Wu,
Cohomology, dual block decompositions, and Poincaré duality
Nov 24 '20,
Yifan Wu,
Lefschetz and Alexander dualities
Dec 1 '20,
Xiabing Ruan and Wenbo Liao,
Persistent homology, persistence diagrams, and matrix reduction; introduction to Morse theory
Dec 8 '20,
Wenbo Liao,
More Morse theory
Dec 15 '20,
Yifei Zhu and Xiabing Ruan,
Piecewise linear Morse theory; efficient implementations of persistent homology
Dec 22 '20,
Xiabing Ruan,
Efficient implementations of persistent homology (cont'd)